Salamander : The endangered species

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Salamander: The endangered species. Here at around Chintapu Organic Farm, You could enjoy the natural habitats of such species and can research them.

There are 500 or more species of amphibians that are classified as salamanders. They usually have long tails, small legs, and skinny bodies. The majority of salamanders are small, while there are two species that may grow up to 5 feet long. They are typically found in moist or desert areas in the northern hemisphere.

Salamanders are often found in brooks, creeks, ponds, and other moist areas such as under rocks. They either reside in or near water or seek refuge on damp ground. While some species spend their whole lives in the water, others only swim sometimes, and a few become entirely terrestrial as adults. In water, they lay their egg shellless.

Salamanders can regrow their tails and toes, among other missing appendages, within a few weeks, enabling them to withstand attacks from predators.

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