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Ilam district is one of 14 districts of Province 1 eastern Nepal. It covers 1,703 km2 (658 sq mi). The 2011 census counted 290,254 population. The municipality of Ilam is the district headquarters, about 600 km (370 mi) from Kathmandu. Ilam is also called the green city of Nepal. Ilam is very rich in nature and cultural diversity.


The name Ilam is derived from the Limbu language in which "IL" means twisted and "Lam" means road. Ilam was one of the ten self ruling states of Limbuwan before the reunification of Nepal. Its ruler King Hangshu Phuba Lingdom of Lingdom dynasty ruled Ilam as a confederate state of Limbuwan until 1813 AD. The treaty between the other Limbuwan states and the King of Gorkha and the conflict of Gorkha and Sikkim led to the unification of Ilam with Gorkha. Ilam was the last of the ten kingdoms of Limbuwan to be reunified into Nepal. Ilam was an independent Limbu kingdom until 1813 CE/1869 BS.

Sources of income:

The main source of income in this district is tea, cardamom, milk, ginger, potato, orlon, and broom production on a large scale.

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